the team who creates and delivers for you
Sydney Supervision Training is a proudly Australian business focused on delivering supervision related courses and training from their facility in Kingsgrove, Sydney. We are passionate about the courses providing attendees with the qualifications and knowledge they are seeking through a positive experience.

The Team

Lyndall Briggs. FACA, HMASCH
Lyndall is the primary facilitator and assessor for our courses.
In her professional capacity as a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist, Lyndall has been in full-time private practise for over 20 years. She has been on the board of the ACA since its incorporation and is president of the ASCH (Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists). She is an experienced registered supervisor with both associations plus Facilitator and Assessor for the Stepping-Up Supervision Training Course
- Honorary Member & Supervisor for ACA (Australian Counselling Association)
- President of the A.S.C.H (Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy)
- Registered Member & Supervisor for A.S.C.H
- Past Vice President NSWCA (NSW Counselling Association)
- Past Vice Chairman ABNLP
- Past Board Member ACA
- Past Chair of ACA College of Hypnotherapists

Barbara Matheson
Melbourne-based supervision training specialist. Provides the spcialised component required for PACFA supervision.
To get in touch with the team please use the contact form
Supervision is an opportunity to bring someone back to their own mind, to show them how good they can be. – Nancy Kline
What is Supervision
A term used to describe a formal process of professional support and learning which enables individual practitioner to develop knowledge and competence, assume responsibility for their own practice and enhance consumer protection and the safety care in complex clinical situations.
Supervision Training
Text & Video study plus
3-Day Workshop Sydney
Peak Body Accredited
Clinical & Professinal
Supervision Course
ACA Approved for
10 OPD points &
6 hours of supervision