A term used to describe a formal process of professional support and learning which enables individual practitioner to develop knowledge and competence, assume responsibility for their own practice and enhance consumer protection and the safety care in complex clinical situations.
Looking for a Supervisor
Lyndall Briggs is available for clinical supervision for counsellors and other healthcare professionals seeking support and guidance. An ACA Accredited Supervisor, Lyndall Briggs have been practising since 1995. She is the President of Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Trainer & Assessor for Supervision Training Services Stepping Up Supervision Course.
Lyndall's Testimonials
“The practical aspects of the course really brought home for me how valuable supervision is and can be.
Lyndall’s experience was really good to tap into as well.”
Counsellor (anonymous)
“I’m very grateful for the supervision course, not only because of the content, but because of the way it was taught by Lyndall Briggs.
The number of additional resources provided is just one example of how the course itself was enhanced. I recommend this to everyone.”
Neuropsychotherapist & Counsellor
Richard Hill, Attendee
“I am so glad I attended workshop training, the group discussions with fellow would-be supervisors were really instructive and Lyndall added extra advice and guidance from all her experience and other sources too.”
Counsellor (anonymous)
Lyndall's Supervision Therapy Mission Statement
To provide the highest quality of individualised, compassionate, and effective therapy using the latest and most effective therapeutic techniques available. The goal is to provide people with a set of skills that will enable them to make positive changes in their lives. Putting you on the road to bring about change, by accessing unknown levels of calm, releasing stress and fear, boosting motivation and the insight to successfully realise your dreams.
To enable you to heal your past, empower your present and create the future of your choice.
To facilitate rapid change and identify and release unresolved conflicts or factors beyond conscious awareness resulting in major improvement in health, motivation, self confidence, emotional stability, pain relief, creativity and performance levels.
Supervision Training
Text & Video study plus
3-Day Workshop Sydney
Peak Body Accredited
Clinical & Professinal
Supervision Course
ACA Approved for
10 OPD points &
6 hours of supervision